Nepali Flags

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


There was something that I saw forced my mind to think about my feelings and about what i just saw, it brought a memory to me that acts as a troubled thoughts that will always circulate in my mind. I think I see my own past, was it my memory or my life that passed before or it just an fantasy of my mind. Whatever it is, I cannot clarify it but I am sure it will have an impact in me.

I saw a mother breast feeding her baby, I saw the way she love and care him. I imagined that baby as me and the love of a  mother that shower upon me made my heart pound, I got paused for a while. I saw that baby throw his arms upon his mother in joy will be a hand he beg and ask for love in future. That smile by which he makes everyone around him to glow will fade tomorrow and those beautiful tiny eyes will bear the pain that no one could ever imagine.
I saw him cry and will see him grow tomorrow, I can even imagine him growing old, his hair turns grey and he start to grow a wrinkle on his face, then he lies in his place waiting for his time to come. He will learn the thing that I will never know. He will live a life, he will love, hate and die and then another child takes his part on to live a kind of life he did and to revolve like in the same orbit that he once did, the same rotation and routine occurs in each and every lapse of time with new faces and generations. Life is an occurrence where we come, stay and go and the world revolves on it own like we all know.
And the i also move on thinking...What a Wonderful Thought.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Its a story, Is it created by me? Has it happened in someones life?
It could be your story and could had happened in someones life.
This story has its beginning as any ordinary one where there's a boy, a compassionate and simple who has loved and cared about some one. To that someone he loves without expectation and hesitation, he cared about that someone with his unselfish intention, he gave his all can and tried to show that someone what he really cared about, but in vain. He loved enough to mold his heart but was unable to express his feeling. He loved liked no one can ever imagine, not even she can.

He used to smile and watch and gradually imagines a life with the one he loved, even gets existed for a single glance. He could have expressed, could have said what she means to him, but was shy too shy to talk and afraid to let it go. Always hoped for the tomorrow that will bring a courage in him to express his feelings and to start a life he had imagined.
Days passed on with this same feelings locked inside, the year moved and they both had to, in their own life too busy to cared about anything they moved on for their future, got separated such a way that didn't even knew if she did exist or not.  H thus moves with his life with memories and thoughts of her and the regret of things he didn't did. Hoping that someday she will arrive, thinking that he will grab her then, keep her by her side and never let her escape. Wishing for all this things he moves ahead.

child has grown

Except the things that happens in a life everything can be predict but not life nor what it holds in the future. Things that one imagined seems to remain as an imagination that's why we named it.

I could remember my time, back on those days with a circle of friend talking about love and future, future that yield for them and about their upcoming days of their life. none of them had ever imagined that the future has stored something different for each an everyone of us, those dream and future that we once had and talked about has become a dream of our life.

That one child who used to laugh around and enjoy a life has grown up too much that he seems to lost his sense in joy and his life. This child has grown and turn himself into a man, a man with high shield of ego  and an unclear ambition of a life. With a single spout of a child that he hides inside, this man continue to struggle in his life for the purpose to survive , he even manage to fake a smile and laughs each and every day in order to shows his happiness. This rises a question in my mind that whether this child inside will survive or will the child eventually kills himself.

lost in the woods

I think in my life I have lived enough, lived for the one i cared, for the one i wish to care and for the one who cared for me. I have loved, lived and hated too, to the things i wish but cant have, to those things i let it linger through my hands and later realized was the best. I think I have lived enough for others, now I think its time for myself. Let me love me and get lost in myself for my good, escaping to far far away searching for my self, let me get lost in the woods.Without any worries and without any grief, let this nature take me in as its own part of body that settles within. Those woods that accept my presence and those birds that call my name, asks me to stay and lost with them.

That voice through the woods I think it called me again, my home is my nature she understands me like my mother who loves forever without any selfish greed. She ask me a  reason of my intention and the way that lead me to her with an unsatisfied soul that creeps for the presence and love. its the place where I fell safe, a place where i can finally rest, the place where I can call it my own and the region where I belong, now i will get mixed up with my nature escaping far away from this societal barren land, so please i ask you to let me get lost in the wood once again.

Monday, July 27, 2015


We have life full with fun, joy and sorrow, we have spirit that grows, cries, love and hate, we grow up and grow old, we were child once just born to enjoy the world and now we had grew enough to face it. We fell heaven and hell both in this world according to our deeds, goods deeds lead to heaven and wrong the toward the hell. We don't have to die to see heaven, it right in this very world we live. Finding peace and clam in our self is the only way to calm spirit,  one can find the true meaning of their own life. Joyousness and happiness emerges from himself if one has finds his true self,  negativity leads to the chaotic and  dissatisfaction of soul that lead to the felt of failure and conflict may arises upon ones mind creating the impurity thoughts and ideas that could be harmful to us due to the negativity in our own thoughts.

Obtaining the purity of spirit by entering into the state of mental and emotional calmness leads the soul toward the heaven, a person free with fear, stress and worries with quite and peaceful mind leads us to the world of happiness and freedom, which in my sense has been set as the goal and mission of ones life.
Spiritual growth and inner awaking of ones peace and calmness of mind will create a inner freedom that would gradually motivates people for performing positive deeds and help them to leads their life toward the way of heaven that lies in our-self, inside us.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

toward the heaven

That morning light peeping through my window, giving me a false alarm to wake up and to move into my journey in the search of heaven. that cool morning autumn breeze kissing my chick and the feel of that warm tequila on my belly makes me really joyful and childish, i wish to run like a wild mad man through that loneliest wood widening my arm in a hope that mother nature will hold me in. Those echo of birds plays a rhythm of nature and peace in my mind forcing and pushing me ahead in the search of my heaven.

My heaven is a place where i belong but i am lost now, without the past and the fact, that i was like one that always searched for something never to be found, something that really doesn't belong, like a mysterious creature that are lost in themselves but hopes to search the god.
living the past behind in my time, this little one packed up his line. hitting the mid light sun he dreams about the path, to get lost in those wood ,nature and the journey he is about to start.