Nepali Flags

Monday, July 27, 2015


We have life full with fun, joy and sorrow, we have spirit that grows, cries, love and hate, we grow up and grow old, we were child once just born to enjoy the world and now we had grew enough to face it. We fell heaven and hell both in this world according to our deeds, goods deeds lead to heaven and wrong the toward the hell. We don't have to die to see heaven, it right in this very world we live. Finding peace and clam in our self is the only way to calm spirit,  one can find the true meaning of their own life. Joyousness and happiness emerges from himself if one has finds his true self,  negativity leads to the chaotic and  dissatisfaction of soul that lead to the felt of failure and conflict may arises upon ones mind creating the impurity thoughts and ideas that could be harmful to us due to the negativity in our own thoughts.

Obtaining the purity of spirit by entering into the state of mental and emotional calmness leads the soul toward the heaven, a person free with fear, stress and worries with quite and peaceful mind leads us to the world of happiness and freedom, which in my sense has been set as the goal and mission of ones life.
Spiritual growth and inner awaking of ones peace and calmness of mind will create a inner freedom that would gradually motivates people for performing positive deeds and help them to leads their life toward the way of heaven that lies in our-self, inside us.

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