Nepali Flags

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

lost in the woods

I think in my life I have lived enough, lived for the one i cared, for the one i wish to care and for the one who cared for me. I have loved, lived and hated too, to the things i wish but cant have, to those things i let it linger through my hands and later realized was the best. I think I have lived enough for others, now I think its time for myself. Let me love me and get lost in myself for my good, escaping to far far away searching for my self, let me get lost in the woods.Without any worries and without any grief, let this nature take me in as its own part of body that settles within. Those woods that accept my presence and those birds that call my name, asks me to stay and lost with them.

That voice through the woods I think it called me again, my home is my nature she understands me like my mother who loves forever without any selfish greed. She ask me a  reason of my intention and the way that lead me to her with an unsatisfied soul that creeps for the presence and love. its the place where I fell safe, a place where i can finally rest, the place where I can call it my own and the region where I belong, now i will get mixed up with my nature escaping far away from this societal barren land, so please i ask you to let me get lost in the wood once again.

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